March 11, 2025
Dr. Kalyan Gaddam, ND non-opioid pain relief

Dr. Kalyan Gaddam, ND., Announces a Focus on Non-Opioid Pain Management

Dr. Kalyan Gaddam, ND non-opioid pain relief

-Dr. Kalyan Gaddam, ND., Director of the Integrative Oncology & Rehabilitation Center at the Comprehensive Blood and Cancer Center (CBCC), has built a career around providing integrative care that includes opioid-free pain management. While the opioid crisis was gaining ground and attention, Dr. Gaddam was steadily practicing and implementing opioid-free pain management protocols that are now standard practice at CBCC.

Pain management is essential for cancer patients as well for other serious diseases and medical situations. The Integrative Oncology & Rehabilitation Center at CBCC offers patients science-based opioid- free alternatives to pain management as well as programs to help reduce reliance on pain drugs and reduce the risk of addiction, accidental overdose and alleviate the many side-effects that come with the use of opioids and other drugs

Gaddam joined the medical staff at CBCC in 2010, was the first Naturopathic Doctor to work with CBCC and is responsible for helping establish CBCC’s integrative cancer center for Naturopathic and integrative health services as well as the CBCC Health and Wellness Café for improving health of CBCC patients.

The drug-free pain management treatments made available for patient well being and healing at CBCC through Dr. Gaddam’s work and vision include:

  • Classical Prolotherapy: developed by American trauma surgeon, Dr. George Hackett, in the 1940s. Dr. Hackett introduced deep glucose injections combined with local anesthetic to treat chronically painful conditions attributed to weak ligaments and tendons. The process stimulated inflammation which Dr. Hackett proposed would eventually lead to normal repair and make tendons and ligaments stronger, resolving pain.
  • Regenerative Injections (PRP): Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Prolotherapy, like Dextrose Prolotherapy, is a method of injection designed to stimulate healing. “Platelet rich plasma” is defined as “autologous blood with concentrations of platelets above baseline levels, which contains growth factors.” Cell ratios in normal blood contain only 6-percent platelets, however in PRP there is a concentration of 94-percent platelets. The growth factors help in healing of tendons and ligaments.
  • Peri-Neural Injections: In 2002 Dr. Lyftgroft introduced perineural injections that have been highly successful in overcoming the pain from nerve inflammation.
  • Low-level laser therapy to relieve pain and stimulate and enhance the function of the body’s cells.
  • HIVAMAT: An advanced therapy that gets its name from the description of how it works: (HI) Histological (VA) Variable (MA) Manual (T) Technique to create a kneading effect deep within damaged tissue, relaxing muscles, reducing swealing, alleviating pain and restoring flexibility and blood supply.

Gaddam pioneered the introduction of all of these pain-management treatments to California’s Central Valley, and was the first naturopathic doctor to use low-level laser treatment in 2010 for the treatment of various pain conditions, including pain from cancer metastasis to bones. He was also the first to introduce HIVAMAT to the Central Valley for lymphedema treatments with highly successful results. CBCC has been using perineural injections with very successful results for managing debilitating chronic pain issues.

Pain is a complex medical problem that can have profound effects on a patient’s well-being. Decreasing the level of pain and improving quality of life through a combination of non-opioid pain management treatments and customized nutrition has been a guiding force for Gaddam for his entire medical career. His conviction about the role of nutrition in healing led him to develop a unique, customizable nutrition program in association with the CBCC’s Health and Wellness Café’.

“I would say non-opioid pain management and focusing on nutritional and natural ways to overcome pain and illness are critical to quality of life,” said Gaddam.

His medical career has always included leading-edge research, looking for better solutions. Along with his ongoing oncology research into weight loss in cancer patients, Gaddam has led research teams to develop natural nutritional products for Ayush Herbs and YouVeda, LLC. His research at Ayush Herbs contributed to the company’s formulation of nutraceuticals for their products. Gaddam sits on the Board of Directors for YouVeda and is a co-formulator for their products.

Gaddam’s research into the benefits of balanced nutrition for patients with cancer and other serious diseases led to the development and release of Aaku, Everyday Greens, a revolutionary balanced, nutritionally rich smoothie mix formulated to decrease the risk of many diseases including cancer, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and other life-style disease risks.

Dr. Kalyan Gaddam received his doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine from internationally recognized Bastyr University in Seattle, WA. After completing his graduate work with a degree in Naturopathic Medicine and degrees homeopathic medicine and surgery in India, Dr. Gaddam worked with various leaders in the field of integrative naturopathic oncology. He is on the Board of Directors for Youveda LLC, personalized nutrition, and is an active member of the California Association of Naturopathic Medicine (CNDA), Oncology Association of Naturopathic Physicians and American Association of Naturopathic Medicine (AANP).

Kalyan R. Gaddam, ND
Bakersfield, CA
(661) 322-2206