March 13, 2025

Coast Guard medevacs woman participating in World’s Toughest Row race

Woman successfully transported to emergency medical services at San Luis Obispo Airport in stable condition

– A U.S. Coast Guard helicopter aircrew medically evacuated a 26-year-old female during the World’s Toughest Row race approximately 72 miles Southwest of Morro Bay Harbor, Wednesday afternoon.

Watchstanders at Sector Los Angeles-Long Beach received a report of a medical emergency aboard the rowboat Julie at approximately 12:50 p.m. The duty flight surgeon determined that the female required medical attention within 12 hours.

Sector Los Angeles reassessed the situation to the distress phase and requested Air Station San Diego retrieve and transport the patient to higher-level medical care. A Coast Guard San Diego Air Station Jayhawk Helicopter crew successfully transported the patient to awaiting Emergency Medical Services (EMS) at San Luis Obispo Airport, in stable condition.
