March 6, 2025

Atascadero insurance company reports ‘The cost of slips and falls’

life insurance Atascadero
More than 1 million people go to ER every year for slipping or falling reports Atascadero insurance agent.

-Slips and falls are some of the most common accidents. Estimates are that more than a million people go to the emergency room every year as the result of slipping and falling, for an average cost of $30,000-40,000 per case. John Donovan Insurance Agency in Atascadero, CA has reported the safety precautions that can help prevent slips and falls and reduce the cost and liability.

The cost of falling is much more than just financial:

  • Falls can break teeth, cause serious scrapes and skin damage that can lead to infections and scars
  • Around five-percent of falls result in broken bones
  • One-third of adults over 65 fall each year and falling is the most common cause of a broken hip
  • Falling is the most common cause of brain injury

Falls are the leading cause of injury for all age groups and medical bills top $35 million each year. An average of 11 days of work are lost per fall, creating an additional hardship for workers who don’t have sick or personal leave from their employers. One source, the National Safety Council, reports nearly 700 workplace deaths for one year.

It is important for individuals, families and employers to be insured to reduce their liability in the event of injury or death. Homeowner, renter, worker’s compensation and life insurance are all protection against the cost of slips and falls. But insurance is only part of the solution. Prevention is a big part and goes a long way towards preventing injuries and the associated costs.

The team at the John Donovan State Farm Agency in Atascadero are happy to help with life insurance and other insurance needs and offer some basic tips to help prevent falls in the first place.

  • Maintain enough outdoor lighting so people can see clearly
  • Clean up spills, inside and outside, and take preventative measures to prevent water, even snow and ice from building up where people walk
  • Repair or replace torn or worn carpets, rugs, runners and mats
  • Make sure carpets, rugs, runners and other floor coverings are secure and don’t slide or slip under foot
  • Repair cracked and damaged sidewalks and parking surfaces
  • Keep obstacles such as toys, building materials and other items out of the way of foot traffic
  • Make sure there are handrails on steps and stairways and the handrails are secure

For additional safety tips, visit the State Farm Insurance Simple Insights page. It’s also a good idea to review your insurance policies to know how you are protected in the event of a fall on your property. John Donovan and his Atascadero team are happy to review your life insurance, homeowners, renter, and other insurance policies to make sure you are adequately protected.

John Donovan State Farm Insurance Agent
8420 El Camino Real, Suite A
Atascadero, CA 93422
(805) 466-7744